15:26 17 Apr 2023

Ukraine's armed forces participate in largest military training in Sweden in 25 years

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are participating in the national defense exercise of the Armed Forces of the Kingdom of Sweden – Aurora-23. This exercise is the largest in a quarter of a century and began on April 17.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces reported this on Facebook.

Fourteen countries and about 26,000 military personnel are participating in the exercises.

The exercise aims to strengthen the joint potential to counter an armed attack on Sweden. Training is conducted in the air, on land, and at sea in many parts of the country. The greatest attention will be paid to the south of Sweden, Gotland, and the northern part of the country.

Participating countries, besides Sweden, are the USA, Great Britain, Finland, Poland, Norway, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Denmark, Austria, Germany, and France.

For reference:

From April to May 2023, Sweden will conduct the advanced defense exercise Aurora 23. This exercise will involve all service branches of the Swedish Armed Forces, several other armed forces, and Swedish authorities. Aurora 23 is a significant step forward in strengthening Swedish defense and an opportunity to learn from and collaborate with partner countries.

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