Italy sends dozens of M109 self-propelled howitzers, plans to transfer 60

Italy has sent dozens of US-backed M109 self-propelled howitzers to Ukraine.

The amount is not specified, but the state plans to send 60 vehicles overall, La Republica says.

The howitzers were repaired at the expense of the United States, and some of them are already on the front lines. The decision to transfer these systems was made by Mario Draghi's government.

"For several weeks in a row, videos shot in Ukraine show powerful M109Ls firing at Russian positions. Thus, they testify to the importance of Italy's contribution to the military operations of the resistance," the publication said.

A total of sixty howitzers have already been provided to the Kyiv troops or will be delivered in the near future.

Italy announced to have sent over 50 tonnes of electrical material for the reconstruction of the power grid destroyed by the Russian attacks.

Italy intends to supply Ukraine with an air defense system to protect against Russian attacks, but Rome needs to resolve technical issues before it is sent.

The state together with France promised to transfer SAMP/T-MAMBA complexes to Ukraine, the Ukrainian military has probably already been trained on them.

Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani also announced the holding of a conference on the reconstruction of Ukraine at the end of April.

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