UNDP and UNOPS to assist Ukraine in rebuilding over 100 schools across 14 regions

In 14 Ukrainian regions, the Ministry for the Restoration of Ukraine, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), and the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) agreed to repair and modernize more than 100 schools.

Deputy Prime Minister for Reconstruction – Minister of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine, Oleksandr Kubrakov, reported this on Facebook.

Kubrakov clarified that the restoration of educational institutions would take place within the framework of two projects.

"The restoration and equipping of the educational infrastructure is one of the necessary conditions for the return of Ukrainians home. We understand how important a protected and modern school infrastructure is for Ukrainian families, so with these projects, we will make it not only the way it was but also improve it.

Thus, in both projects, a special emphasis is placed on improving the safety of the infrastructure, particularly by repairing and equipping bomb shelters," the Deputy Prime Minister noted.

The first is "ECHO4SCHOOLS-UA: Repair/modernization of schools in war-torn regions", implemented by UNDP. It is planned to carry out current repair works of at least 50 schools in 10 regions of Ukraine. The budget of the program is about 14 million euros.


Another project is "Restoration of schools in Ukraine," which is implemented by UNOPS with a budget of 20 million euros. It provides for the repair of schools in 4 regions:

  • the Kyiv region;
  • the Sumy region;
  • the Kharkiv region;
  • the Chernihiv region.

Fifty-four institutions that need to be restored have already been selected and approved. The documentation preparation for conducting tender procedures is already underway regarding eight objects.

For reference:

As reported, Lithuania pledged to allocate 10 million euros for the recovery of Ukraine through a special mechanism created by the World Bank to finance rebuilding the Ukrainian state and increasing the stability and development of Moldova.

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