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Rubryka reports, referring to the Facebook of the fund's founder.
What is the problem?
Ukraine must strengthen its presence at sea, so even boats are of great importance for the security of our country. However, our defenders desperately lack them.
What is the solution?
The Serhii Prytula Charity Foundation raised funds and purchased two Trident multi-purpose combat boats for the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
"Two of the first Ukrainian Trident multi-purpose combat boats have been handed over to the Defense Forces!" the volunteer noted.
How does it work?
"The 8-meter boat, with 400-horsepower engines, can transport up to 12 landing personnel at over 44 knots. Plus, 2 Browning machine guns will be installed on each with integrated navigation systems, radio communication, and echo sounder," said Serhii Prytula, TV presenter and volunteer.
The boats were manufactured at one of the Ukrainian shipbuilding enterprises. Six domestic enterprises were involved in boat design, development, and manufacture.
Prytula added that the boats were handed over to the military with trailers for transportation. The total cost of the project was UAH 10,093,256.
The volunteer noted that now his foundation has helped Ukrainian defenders in the sky, on land, in space, and on water.
On February 16, Sweden handed over six boats to Ukraine to restore transport connections in the liberated territories.
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