Ukrainian NGO building sustainable housing for displaced in Vinnytsia region

Ukrainian NGO Bushanka Toloka has begun the construction of environmentally friendly housing for internally displaced persons (IDPs). 

Rubryka reports, citing the report of Bushanska Toloka on Facebook, that the building should have two stories and an area of 442 square meters according to the plans.

The organization says that 100 people can live in such a building simultaneously. This will be a temporary shelter; after the war ends, the building will serve as a shared social space.

Photo: Yampil City Council, Mohyliv-Podilskyi District, Vinnytsia Region

It is reported that the house is being built from straw panels. Even in winter, it will be warm inside because such walls keep the temperature well. A road is also being constructed nearby.

Photo: Yampil City Council, Mohyliv-Podilskyi District, Vinnytsia Region

Mayor Serhii Hadzhuk, who visited the construction site, emphasized that the access road will be upgraded, and the city utility enterprise will plant greenery near the children's playground, built by joint efforts in the central part of the village.

Photo: Yampil City Council, Mohyliv-Podilskyi District, Vinnytsia Region

For the construction of this building, the NGO needs €250,000 and some expertise and voluntary work. They have collected €150,000.

Please go to the Busha Toloka website to donate.

We will remind you that 100 prefabricated houses are being installed in the Kyiv region for families who have lost their homes.

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