Chinese firm imported copper from Russian-occupied part of Donetsk region – Reuters

A Chinese firm bought at least $7.4 million worth of copper alloy ingots at a sanctioned factory in the region of Ukraine occupied by Russia, Reuters reports.

The Chinese firm Quzhou Nova bought at least 3,220 tons of copper alloy ingots for a total of $7.4 million from the Debaltsevo Metallurgical Machine Building Plant in the Donetsk region. All this from October 8, 2022, to March 24, 2023,

Quzhou Nova is located in the Chinese city of Quzhou, in the eastern province of Zhejiang. There, Reuters reported the firm does not import and export copper alloy in ingots.

When reporters showed Quzhou Nova's customs data, the company said it was "difficult to understand the document because it does not have a seal or signature." They suggested contacting customs regarding this issue.

The database, which collects information about all shipments worldwide, has no stamps or signatures on its information.

China Customs did not provide detailed information on this. They said that "the trading data of the company is not disclosed."

A source at Debaltsevo combine, who wished to remain anonymous, reported that a non-ferrous metallurgy workshop is located on the territory of the combine.

A Reuter's interlocutor declined to comment on copper alloy shipments to China and said the information was a "commercial secret."

The Federal Customs Service of Russia also noted that information about the companies is confidential and is not disclosed by the service.

US sanctions imposed three days before the full-scale war in Ukraine prohibit imports or exports from the occupied areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Two days later, the European Union announced measures, including a ban on imports from the two regions.

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