EU Council agrees €1 bln support under the European Peace Facility

European Council adopted an assistance measure worth €1 billion under the European Peace Facility (EPF) to support the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

This measure will allow the EU to recompense member states for ammunition donated to Ukraine from existing stocks, the press service says. 

The decision implements the first part of the Council agreement of 20 March 2023 on a three-track approach intended to speed up the delivery and joint procurement of artillery ammunition.

The EU members agreed on the joint purchase of 1 million howitzer shells for Ukrainian forces. The defense ministers supported the EU's top diplomat Josep Borrell's initiative to use €1 billion from the EPF for the immediate supply of ammunition to Ukraine from the existing stocks of the European armies.

"There is no better demonstration of the EU's united resolve and determination to continue supporting Ukraine's legitimate right of self-defence against the brutal Russian aggressor." Borrell said.

Together with the previous seven tranches of support, the assistance measure adopted today brings the total EU contribution for Ukraine under the EPF to €4.6 billion.

It will take months before the projectiles ordered within the framework of joint purchases will end up in Ukraine, the EU members say.

The first orders can be placed until the end of May. However, the EU is convinced the initiative of large joint purchases should encourage EU member states to send more of their stocks of shells to Ukraine.

Ukraine announced it will need a million howitzer shells this year. Estonia estimated that it would cost around €4 billion. The Baltic state was the first among the EU members to raise the issue of ammunition procurement.

This once more proves that the EU remains steadfast in its support for the Ukrainian military in defending the country against illegal Russian aggression.

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