Rubryka reports, citing the statement by US Embassy in Ukraine on Facebook.
"USAID Administrator Samantha Power met with Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal to discuss Ukraine's economic recovery and the United States and Ukraine's joint commitment to transparency and accountability. They signed a new agreement between USAID, the American International Development Finance Corporation, and Ukraine to facilitate the private sector's involvement and increase foreign direct investment," the diplomatic mission noted.
Prime Minister Shmyhal also released a statement where he stressed that "private capital is an integral component of Ukraine's recovery and sustainable growth. Foreign investments will be one of the drivers of our economy."
He noted that the agreement was signed on the sidelines of the Spring Meetings to implement priority development projects and economic recovery.
"Ukraine has wide investment opportunities, which will reveal the economic potential. DFC and USAID will help attract private investment in sectors of primary importance to the economy. Thank you for your partnership and help along the way," the prime minister said.
As Rubryka reported, the Prime Minister of Ukraine arrived on a visit to the USA on Wednesday, April 12. The day before, Denys Shmyhal paid a working visit to Canada. He met with Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland.
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