Xiaomi is blacklisted due to its operations in Russia, despite the outbreak of the full-scale war and the pressure of sanctions. The company is one of the leaders in smartphone sales in Russia.
From 2018 until today, Xiaomi ranks first in sales in the aggressor's online stores and also has an extensive network of official authorized Mi Store retail stores throughout the country.
Xiaomi increased deliveries to russia by 39% in the third quarter of 2022 compared to the previous one – that is, while the large-scale war lasted.
During 2022, Xiaomi doubled its market share: in July 2022, Xiaomi and its POCO sub-brand jointly occupied 42% of the Russian smartphone market and ranked first in terms of sales.
The Russian market is extremely important for the Chinese company, so Xiaomi did not announce its plans to exit the state. Since the spring of last year, it has not conducted marketing activities in the aggressor country.
In 2021, the Russian division of Xiaomi received revenue of $202 million, of which the company pays taxes, therefore giving the money to Russia to maintain its army.
Now Xiaomi is actively restoring recruitment to Russian offices and has announced the official start of sales of its flagship smartphones, which indicates the company's intentions to restore a full presence in Russia.
Xiaomi Corporation sponsors military aggression, the NACP notes.
The agency also recalled that in 2021 the company became the leader in the production of smartphones in the world, also producing household appliances, tablets, smartwatches, software, electric scooters, electric bicycles, and much more.
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