Ukraine will domestically produce landmine removal equipment

Ukraine would produce equipment for humanitarian demining, says Oleksandr Kamyshin, Ukraine's Minister of Strategic Industry.

What is the problem?

The State Emergency Service of Ukraine reported that approximately 30% of Ukraine's territory (about 180,000 km²) was mined due to Russia's invasion. This is more than two territories of Austria or five times the area of Moldova.

Complete demining of Ukraine will take 5 to 10 years, which is humanitarian demining. In contrast to operational and combat demining, it involves a comprehensive inspection of the entire territory where hostilities continued.

What is the solution?

Minister Kamyshin noted on his Telegram channel that the government had launched an updated state policy on humanitarian demining.

Within this program, the Ministry of Strategy and Industry is responsible for launching the local production of machinery and equipment for humanitarian demining.

How does it work?

"Unfortunately, the problem of humanitarian demining will remain relevant for our country for years. But this is also an opportunity for our manufacturers to master the production of such machinery and equipment. Now — for their country, and someday — for other countries as well," the minister said.

He expressed his belief that enough qualified manufacturers in Ukraine can master and manufacture such equipment.

Kamyshin urged those with experience in producing such equipment and machinery to contact him via Telegram.

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