Ukrinform reports that Ukrainian writer Martyn Yakub, the author of the detective novels "Dead Models" and "Not Your Dog's Business," published the book "YBN BLD RSN," which collected the stories of 67 authors with their reflections on the war.
The book aims to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine by selling 67 copies in a lottery, and all proceeds will be transferred to Ukrainian defenders.
"The very idea of the book arose in October, and the auctions started at the end of last year. Each author who raffled off this book sent funds to units of the armed forces and volunteers they trust. In total, we managed to collect over UAH 550,000," Yakub said.
The writer said he raised more than UAH 20,000 in the lottery for his copy. He directed all the funds to help the 95th separate airborne assault brigade.
Yakub announced the resale of a book with mass circulation. All 100% of the money collected from ordering the book will go to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
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