Photo: Nastyaofly/Depositphotos
The Office of the Prosecutor General reports this.
As noted by the prosecutor's office, as of the morning of April 9, 2023, at least 1,415 children suffered.
According to the official information of juvenile prosecutors, the official number of children who died is 468.
The number of victims in the war rose substantially, with 947 minors sustaining injuries of various severities. Juvenile prosecutors stressed that these figures are not definitive, with further investigations being carried out in areas of active combat, as well as in temporarily occupied and liberated territories
Children were most affected in:
The latest discovered facts of crimes against children:
For reference:
It should be noted that on March 6, Ukraine returned two teenagers, residents of Kherson. Negotiations continued for over three months so that Ihor and Vasyl would be at home again.
As Rubryka wrote, on April 8, 31 children returned to Ukraine after being deported to russia.
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