Solutions from Ukraine: radio presenter creates service to raise funds for Ukraine by ‘selling’ russian cities and villages

Radio presenter Danylo Bilyy created a service for the "sale" of russian cities and villages;  all the funds received would be transferred to help Ukraine.

"Ranok Vdoma" on the "Dim" TV channel informs about this.

What is the problem?

During the full-scale war, millions of people lost their homes and families and experienced occupation and violence from the russian invaders.

What is the solution?

Thousands of people worldwide began to help Ukraine and the Defense Forces in order, first of all, to provide everything necessary to civilians affected by the war and the Ukrainian army.

To help, in particular, Ukraine's armed forces, radio host and stand-up comedian Danylo Bilyy creates IT projects.

He decided to develop a service for the "sale" of cities and villages in russia, which he then set into the website russia Goodbuy.

How does it work?

The project looks like an interactive map. Every 10 square kilometers of land can be purchased for $1 and then Ukrainianized.

The buyer decides where the funds will go:

  • for the needs of the Armed Forces,
  • rehabilitation of fighters or assistance to people and animals affected by war.

In total, there are five thousand offers for sale.


The cheapest city costs one dollar, the most expensive – 220$. At the same time, the buyer decides where the money will go.

"A person will receive a certificate of ownership of the land and the possibility of renaming it. Many people are willing to participate," Danylo Bilyy admitted.

Danylo notes that it is a game with a very real result — funds for aid. A report on all donations can be viewed on the website.

So far, the developer is impressed by how Ukrainians responded to his proposal.

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