F-16s will help Ukraine regain control of its territorial waters – Air Force Commander

Commander of Ukraine's Air Force, Lieutenant General Mykola Oleshchuk, explained why F-16 fighter jets are important for Ukraine.

The F-16 offers the best protection for the rear regions, he says. On average, Ukrainian air defense destroys about 75% of incoming cruise missiles and attack drones.

25% hit their targets. F-16s can effectively destroy them even at the borders, preventing missiles and drones from reaching Ukrainian cities.

russian Air Force outnumbers the Ukrainian one by magnitudes, and most importantly, the invaders enjoy a technological advantage.

"The Air Force does not have enough ground and air assets to effectively protect the airspace, front-line troops, and civilians in the front-line zone from the daily terror of enemy attack aircraft and helicopters.

The F-16 will allow us to gain dominance in the air, significantly weakening the enemy, and saving many lives every day," Oleshchuk said.

The enemy is increasingly using 500kg guided air bombs along the entire front line. There are signs of preparation for the mass use of 1,500 kg bombs.

russian planes do not enter the zone of destruction of Ukrainian air defense, striking remotely at the front line and near-frontline cities. Civilians are suffering in the northern, southern, and eastern regions.

"The F-16 is armed with air-to-air missiles with a range of up to 180 km. This will allow for driving enemy aircraft away from our borders and the line of contact, which minimizes the likelihood of them using guided air bombs and other air-based weapons," Oleshchuk emphasized.

The wide range of modern high-precision weapons available in F-16s will allow for high-precision strikes on russian forces during a counteroffensive.

"It is necessary to stop the enemy's offensive actions, gain air superiority, and destroy the means of equipment, ammunition, and manpower supply. The F-16 will be able to perform these tasks!" Oleshchuk emphasized.

F-16s will help Ukraine regain control of its territorial waters.

"The Black Sea is still under the control of the russian fleet. F-16s are armed with powerful anti-ship missiles that can easily drive the entire enemy fleet either to ports or to the sea bottom. Ukraine needs to ensure freedom of navigation and protection of grain corridors," Oleshchuk said.

The transfer of MiG-29 jet fighters from Slovakia and Poland, will restore, to a certain extent, the fleet for several air brigades. It will strengthen the capabilities of fighter jets to perform combat missions.

However, to achieve air superiority and to win, Ukraine needs modern aircraft, Oleschuk emphasized.

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