Solutions from Ukraine: Ringostat develops AI-powered sales monitoring software

Ukrainian telephony, call tracking, and end-to-end analytics platform Ringostat has launched a new product based on artificial intelligence for sales department control.

ShoTam reports this.

What is the problem?

Listening to calls to control the sales department and training new employees can be a really time-consuming process. Half an hour to analyze a fiveminute conversation is the reality of Ringostat's experience – and this is provided that the manager very succinctly describes the weaknesses of the personnel and gives advice.

What is the solution?

From now on, managers do not need to spend time listening to tapes of conversations to evaluate managers' performance.

"For a long time, I dreamed about the possibility of using AI in Ringostat. Back in 2015, this idea was recorded in the development plans of our platform.

We immediately started doing tests as soon as we saw the possibility of implementing AI in Ringostat.

The result was simply fascinating, but it took time to make the proper requests, automate, and structure the answer. Ringostat AI, of course, will also develop at a great pace," Oleksandr Maksymeniuk, Ringostat CVO and founder, noted.

How does it work?

The developers note that Ringostat AI will be able to solve the problem of lengthy call analysis because the product will significantly save time for team control.

AI translates the dialogue from the language of communication into a language the user understands, analyzes, deciphers, and even provides advice on further steps.

"Ringostat AI helps us a lot. Previously, without a Polish-speaking team leader, it wasn't easy to control how conversations with customers from Poland took place. And now we have a text translation of each conversation – so this problem has been solved," Kostiantyn Cherviakov, CSO Ringostat, stressed.

An example of AI work. Photo: ShoTam

What information does Artificial Intelligence provide about the call?

  • Transcript of the dialogue, translated into English. This will help understand how the team works with foreign buyers – even if the manager does not speak their language, as the decoded text will be easier to perceive visually than by ear.
  • Rate whether the dialogue needs attention (from 1 to 10) and briefly describe the reasons.
  • List of critical points of the conversation.
  • Advice on the best next steps for the manager to take after the conversation. For example, send documents to a client.
  • Errors of a specialist during a conversation and a concise description of its meaning.
  • The conclusion of whether the manager succeeded in completing the client's task and predicts the probability of a sale.
  • The general mood of the conversation — for example, positive, neutral, negative. The mood of both participants of the dialogue is also fixed.

For whom will this decision be beneficial?

The product works with audio recordings of conversations made by the Ringostat platform. It provides reporting for each call and a sample of all dialogues. So a person can instantly see which calls to pay attention to.

The solution will be helpful for small and medium-sized businesses. After all, it will help improve service quality, making less effort.

Also, decoding the most successful dialogues is a good basis for training beginners.

An example of AI work. Photo: ShoTam

For reference:

Ringostat is part of the Netpeak Group, a Ukrainian platform for call tracking, telephony, and end-to-end analytics. Ringostat's client portfolio includes more than 1,300 companies. Among them are Peugeot, Mercedes-Benz, Jooble, and OLX.

One hundred twenty top digital agencies are partners of Ringostat and use it in their work daily.

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