Ukraine offers free online military training course

Ukrainian volunteers have launched a basic free online course on military training on the educational Prometheus platform.

What is the problem?

russia launched its brutal full-scale war on February 24, 2022. To ensure the defense of Ukraine, a general mobilization has been conducted. Thousands of Ukrainians prepare for their possible participation in the war.

What is the solution?

This course provides basic knowledge of military training. It doesn't, however, replace improving practice on training bases.

The mission of the course — is to supplement and help to learn the necessary amount of knowledge, for which there is usually not enough time. In particular, the characteristics of various weapons, orientation, communication, tactic medicine, survival in the field, etc.

How does it work?

"I personally believe that everyone should pass it, regardless of their social status. After completing it, you will know of ​​the real situation with the skills that you will need during mobilization and beyond," the course's author Andrii Pidlisny, says.

This course will be useful for:

  • first-time mobilized;
  • servicemen without practical experience;
  • military personnel who want to improve their knowledge;
  • those subject to mobilization.

The course's program includes:

Part 1. General preparation (1.5 hours)
Part 2. Living conditions (45 minutes)
Part 3. Tactical training (3 hours)
Part 4. Tactical medicine (1 hour)
Part 5. Communication on the battlefield (50 minutes)
Part 6. Orientation (40 minutes)
Part 7. Types of weapons (3 hours)
Part 8. Aerial reconnaissance (45 minutes)
Part 9. Saper business (70 minutes)
Part 10. Psychological preparation (40 minutes)

Completion of the course will take approximately 13 hours. All materials are available immediately, so one can complete the course at his own pace and time.

It has practical knowledge and recommendations from experts who have combat experience since 2014 to the present. After passing it, one will train and perform combat tasks faster and more coherently. This is important because the preparation significantly increases the chances of survival.

One can download the course's resources and study them offline when there's no Internet access. Students may also come back to the course whenever they wish.

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