russia rejected this offer, Daria Zarivna, Ukraine's presidential adviser, said to Voice of America.
"We came up with a proposal to exchange Muslim [PoWs] in an 'all for all' format from both sides as a sign of respect for their culture and traditions. Unfortunately, the Russian side took this idea without much enthusiasm." she said.
This initiative is one of many creative solutions that the Ukrainian negotiators resort to in order to exchange prisoners.
"Our negotiation group is characterized by a proactive position. The constant search for different angles from which we enter. This is a difficult process that must be continued, constantly looking for new ways to extract more of ours," the adviser added.
A huge fight with Muslims recently broke out in russia. Residents of moscow opposed the construction of a mosque in the city, after which the russia-controlled Chechen formations, who invaded Ukraine, began to threaten them with war.
On April 3, ten defenders of Ukraine and two civilians were returned home from russian captivity.
Since 11 March 2022, the Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War has conducted 39 exchanges. A total of 1,993 people were released, including 184 women and 107 civilian hostages.
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