City of Lviv to open enterprise zone for light industry producers

This year, a municipal industrial park will be built in the "Syhnivka" industrial zone in the western city of Lviv for light industry enterprises. reports that the final concept is still in the works. However, the city hall recently presented the first drafts of the project and agreed on a plan to create the park.

The Syhnivka city micro-district is located 10 kilometers from the city center — in the northwestern part of Lviv. It is located between the railway track, Danyla Apostola Street, Koniushynna Street, and the ring road. The total area of the territory reaches 92 hectares.

Until recently, there was almost no construction, with some warehouses and production facilities.

However, in 2018, the Lviv City Council approved the Program for the Long-Term Development of Industrial Zones of Lviv — Syhnivka and Riasne-2 areas of 92 hectares and 37 hectares, respectively. According to the program, free public plots on this territory can be sold for production and the creation of industrial parks.

The program provided that the land would be used exclusively for industry, transport, communications, energy, defense, etc.

The City Council has developed a detailed plan of the territory. The city provided the industrial zone with engineering networks, and Danyla Apostola and Kurmanovych Streets were repaired. In the future, they plan to build access branches from the side of the railway track.

Land in Syhnivka began to be actively sold. As of 2023, only 22 hectares of land remain vacant.

The  "Sygnivka" municipal industrial park will be located on 15 hectares, and the private industrial park Sparrow Lviv occupies another 19 hectares. Other lands were sold to private companies for production.

At the same time, the press service of the Lviv City Council assures that the park will be aimed at small and medium-sized businesses. In particular, we are talking about machine-building companies, the light industry, and woodworking enterprises.

The concept of the industrial park has not yet been approved. Deputies have to do this in April at a session of the Lviv City Council.

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