The location of the nuclear workers is currently unknown, the state's energy enterprise "Energoatom" reports.
"On the evening of April 6, masked occupiers broke into one of the premises of the temporarily occupied Zaporizhzhia NPP and took away four employees of the plant's physical protection service. The nuclear workers were taken to an unknown direction, and their whereabouts are currently unknown," the statement says.
All four were considered "loyal" to the occupying management of the ZNPP as they signed contracts with the russian-controlled "Operating Organization of the Zaporizhzhya NPP." Mark Volkov, the deputy "chief" of the service, contributed to the illegal activities of the invaders, but he was among detained.
Energoatom emphasized that despite the "official" transition to work for the occupiers, these people do not have russian passports. This is probably what might have displeased the invaders.
"One way or another, the situation at the nuclear plant is becoming tenser: inspections and the search for "unreliable" people are intensifying, and even cooperation with the occupiers does not save from the basement or interrogations," the enterprise added.
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