13:20 06 Apr 2023

Safe Passage 4 Ukraine calls for donations of unused airline tickets and hotel points

The NGO Safe Passage 4 Ukraine, which encourages people worldwide to donate their unused airline tickets and hotel points to evacuate Ukrainians to a safe place, launched a campaign in partnership with the Iris software company. 

Rubryka reports that a fundraising video campaign was also created for the initiative.

What is the problem?

Many Ukrainians found themselves displaced because of russia's war. russian shelling left many IDPs with no home, job, or prospects. Many don't have the means to evacuate and start over in a new place. 

Ihor Veselukha, Safe Passage 4 Ukraine's Chief Partnership Officer, said: "When the full-scale war began, I started helping the Ukrainian cause remotely, translating important documentation for refugees. But I quickly realized that more needs to be done to better understand the needs of volunteers fighting for the safety of every civilian resident of Ukraine. I saw the limited funding trickling down to the front line, and I thought it was impossible to sit back."

What is the solution?

The NGO launched the campaign, encouraging people worldwide to donate their unused airline tickets and flight hotel points for Ukrainians to come to a safe place and start their lives over.

All donations Safe Passage 4 Ukraine receives are directed to airfare transport for displaced persons to get to a safer location, temporary and long-term accommodation, and operational costs for volunteers.

How does it work?

As part of the initiative, the NGO created a fundraising video campaign to restore support for Ukraine and Ukrainians after decreased media attention.

The campaign video showcases several testimonials from those helped by the initiative and highlights the need for donations amid reduced media attention to the work being done on the frontline.


The NGO has already collected 15 million airline tickets and 2.4 million hotel points, helping displaced families to safety:

  • 7,000+: People were provided safe transit to destinations in the EU;

  • 200+: People were provided safe transit to long-term, safe destinations in the US and Canada;

  • 40+: People with complex medical needs were provided with assistance.

On Safe Passage 4 Ukraine's website, everyone can donate their flight and hotel points by filling out the form.

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