Solution to win: Ukraine’s National Police launched app to search for missing children

Ukraine's National Police launched a mobile app "Reunite Ukraine" to ease the search for missing children.

What is the problem?

During the full-scale russia's war, tens of thousands of citizens were forced to flee from bombings and shelling. In the midst of this horror, families lost their children or died, and the children survived on their own. Not everyone could be found.

Thousands of kids were abducted by russia from the occupied territories to the state itself, or the so-called "DPR" and "LPR".

What is the solution?

Ukraine's National Police launched the application "Reunite Ukraine" to search for missing children.

It was developed in partnership with the American company "Find My Parent" to help reunify Ukrainian families who lost contact due to the war or were illegally deported.

How does it work?

"This is a versatile tool for finding children with whom contact has been lost, as well as reuniting family members who were internally displaced, were forced to leave Ukraine, or were illegally deported to russia, belarus, or the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine," Oleksandr Facevych, Deputy Head of the National Police, said.

According to the Prosecutor General, as of April 1, during the full-scale war, 16,226 Ukrainian children were abducted, 389 were considered missing, 10,597 were found, and 308 were returned.

15 Ukrainian children were brought back to Ukraine together with their mothers and legal representatives.

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