16:30 06 Apr 2023

Ukraine's arms producer Ukroboronprom to create five NATO-standard weapon companies

The Ukrainian arms manufacturer Ukroboronprom plans its transformation by creating five industry holdings.

Executive Director Yurii Husev said this in an interview with the Interfax-Ukraine news agency.

"We plan that 63 enterprises will become the basis for five sectoral research and production associations – armored vehicles, aircraft repair, high-precision weapons and ammunition, radar systems, and marine systems," said the head of the concern. "All this should be in a completely new format by the OECD corporate governance principles and NATO standards."

Husev said that unmanned aviation could become a separate holding that could lead to cooperation with private manufacturers that successfully implement their tasks.

The Ukroboronprom director said that the concern currently has 119 companies in its "perimeter," one new enterprise included.

"Three enterprises were transferred to the Ministry of Defense during the war, two of them temporarily. These enterprises take care of purchasing weapons on foreign markets," added the head of the concern.

At the same time, some enterprises will not be included in branch holdings (for example, special exporters) and will be directly subordinated to the corporate center.

On March 21, the Cabinet of Ministers decided to transform the state concern "Ukroboronprom" into the joint-stock company "Ukrainian Defense Industry," where 100% of the shares belong to the state.

As Rubryka reported, Husev also said that since the beginning of russia's full-scale invasion, the russian forces had attacked the enterprises of Ukroboronprom more than 150 times. The state concern, despite this, is increasing production.

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