Lithuania adopts resolution inviting Ukraine to NATO

On Thursday, April 6, the Seimas of Lithuania adopted a resolution for the NATO summer summit in Vilnius. It includes an official invitation to Ukraine to join the alliance.

Rubryka reports, referring to the press service of the Lithuanian Parliament, that the document calls to invite Ukraine to join NATO at the NATO summit in Vilnius.

Lithuanian parliamentarians believe  Ukraine should sign membership protocols and start the ratification process when conditions permit. This step will be a strategic decision by NATO to pursue peace in Ukraine and Europe.

"We are against gray security zones, and we want to disprove the thesis that russia has the right to veto Ukraine's membership. We think that Ukraine will contribute to our security and make NATO stronger," said the head of the parliamentary committee on foreign affairs, Žygimantas Pavilionis.

The resolution also emphasizes the need to strengthen defense in the Baltic region, increase the number of NATO troops in Lithuania to a brigade level and improve the country's air defense.

The summit of NATO countries will be held in Vilnius on July 11-12. Lithuania will host 40 delegations from member countries and alliance partners for the first time.

Earlier, the Wall Street Journal reported that the issue of Ukraine's membership in NATO had been removed from the agenda, and the partners are looking for a "consolation prize" for Kyiv.

The NATO Secretary General emphasizes that the alliance's position regarding Ukraine has not changed, but without a victory in the war, the membership issue will not matter.

At the same time, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky declared that Ukraine would be uncompromising on the way to NATO membership.

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