Фото: Ludovic Marin / Pool Photo via AP
"I encouraged President Xi to reach out to President Zelensky. I know from phone calls that President Zelensky asked for it publicly," she said at a briefing on Thursday.
"It was interesting to hear that President Xi reiterated his willingness to speak when conditions and time are right. I think this is a positive element," she added.
Von der Leyen said she raised the issue of a full-scale war in Ukraine during negotiations with China's leader. She confirmed her support for the Ukrainian "peace plan" and Beijing's statements about the inadmissibility of nuclear threats.
"We also count on China not to provide any military equipment directly or indirectly to russia. We all know arming an aggressor would be against international law and would significantly harm our relationship," the official said.
In March, The Wall Street Journal reported that Chinese leader Xi Jinping had planned to speak with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for the first time since the full-scale war.
It was supposed to happen after Xi's visit to moscow on March 20-22, but it has not.
Washington welcomed a possible conversation between Xi Jinping and Volodymyr Zelensky, saying it would potentially bring more balance and perspective to China's approach.
On April 6, French President Emmanuel Macron and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen met with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing to persuade China not to support russia's aggression against Ukraine.
Von der Leyen warned China against sending military equipment to russia. She mentioned the warning by NATO's 31 member governments of "severe consequences" for shipments of weapons or ammunition.
China's leader showed no signs of changing his position on russia's war in Ukraine after talks with Macron.
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