10:57 05 Apr 2023

russian forces bombed a homeless center in Ukraine's eastern city of Kostiantynivka

Photo: Telegram/ Pavlo Kyrylenko

Yesterday, April 4, russian troops massively shelled Kostiantynivka, Donetsk region, and bombed the neighboring city of Bakhmut, injuring five civilians.

Rubryka reports, referring to the report by the head of the Donetsk regional military administration, Pavlo Kyrylenko, on Telegram.

"Kostiantynivka was hit twice by the Tornado MRLS. The hospital, the registration center for homeless people, private and multi-apartment buildings, a shop, and a former coffee shop were damaged," said the head of the region.

Костянтинівка, обстріл

Photo: Telegram / Pavlo Kyrylenko

The governor added that about five were wounded, and a high-rise building was damaged in Bakhmut. This eastern city has become an epicenter of the fiercest clashes between Ukrainian armed forces and russian invaders. One person was wounded in another Donetsk region city, Toretsk.

Костянтинівка, обстріл

Photo: Telegram / Pavlo Kyrylenko

On March 24, russian invaders launched a missile attack on the "Point of Invincibility" in Kostiantynivka, Donetsk region. Such points are organized for locals to charge devices, connect to the Internet during blackouts, find shelter during colds, and receive humanitarian aid. Three displaced people died, and two more were injured.

russian troops shelled the Donetsk region on April 4. As a result, four people died, and 11 were injured.

As Rubryka reported yesterday, April 4, the russian occupying forces shelled populated areas in the north of the Donetsk region with rockets, artillery, and Grad rocket launchers: six people were killed, and seven more were injured.


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