russia condemned for abusing its Security Council membership by 49 UN and EU members

49 UN and the EU members condemned russia for calling a meeting of the UN's Security Council regarding the alleged legal grounds for the abduction of Ukrainian children.

This is mentioned in the joint statement of the states.

"Today, russia is once again abusing the rights and privileges of a permanent member of the UN Security Council in order to spread disinformation about the abductions and illegally forced deportations of thousands of Ukrainian children organized by it," the statement says.

Numerous reliable sources "draw attention to russian illegal deportations of children from Ukraine to the russian federation."

"These outrageous actions took place in the context of a full-scale war of the russian federation, which we condemn unconditionally," the signatories emphasized.

"No amount of disinformation spread by russia will be able to deny the truth or protect people from responsibility for their crimes," the statement adds.

On April 5, russia tried to call an informal meeting of the members of the Security Council regarding the alleged legal grounds for the abduction of Ukrainian children. russia's side scheduled its Commissioner for Children's rights maria lvova-belova to speak. Great Britain blocked the broadcast of her speech on the UN webcast, calling on her to answer for her actions in The Hague Criminal Court.

On March 17, the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for vladimir putin and lvova-belova, who are suspected of illegally deporting children from the occupied territories of Ukraine to russia since at least February 2022.

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