Ukraine and Romania to organize first Black Sea Security Conference in Bucharest as part of Crimean Platform

On April 12-13, Ukraine and Romania will hold the first Black Sea Security Conference of the International Crimean Platform in Bucharest.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and Emine Dzhaparova – a Ukrainian Crimean Tatar political and statesman, journalist, and first deputy minister of foreign affairs of Ukraine – report on this.

"The unprovoked and unjustified military aggression of Russia against Ukraine has challenged the security system in the Black Sea and Azov Sea regions. To find effective ways to respond to these challenges and provide opportunities for sustainable development to all peaceful countries of the region, Ukraine initiated the First Black Sea Security Conference, which will be held jointly with Romania on April 12-13 in Bucharest," the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reads.

The event will take place within the framework of the International Crimean Platform – a mechanism aimed at the de-occupation of Crimea, restoration of the Black Sea, European and global security.

The conference organizers are the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania, and the Ministry of National Defense of Romania, in partnership with the Center for Defense Strategies (Ukraine).

Issues of information warfare and cyberattacks will also be in the spotlight.

Experts from Ukraine, Romania, and other countries will participate on the first day of the event to present research on the future configuration of security in the Azov-Black Sea region and hold discussions on cyber security and russian information wars in the international security system.

The second official day of the conference will be opened by the Ukrainian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Dmytro Kuleba; Minister of Defense, Oleksii Reznikov; Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania, Bogdan Aurescu; and Minister of National Defense of Romania, Angel Tîlvăr. On this day, the panel discussions will raise questions about russia's full-scale war against Ukraine, solving security problems in the Black Sea, and the future security of the Azov-Black Sea region. Ministers of foreign affairs and defense of the member states of the International Crimean Platform and heads of international institutions were invited to participate in the panel discussions.

For reference: 

The Crimea Platform – is a new international consultation and coordination format initiated by Ukraine.

The Platform aims to increase the effectiveness of international response to the ongoing occupation of Crimea and mounting security threats, respond to growing security threats, increase international pressure on the Kremlin, prevent further human rights violations and protect victims of the occupation regime, and achieve the main goal – de-occupation of Crimea and its peaceful return to Ukraine.

On August 23, 2021 the inaugural Summit in Kyiv  officially launched the Crimea Platform. A Joint Declaration outlining the framework of international policy on Crimea.

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