At the same time, the illustrator tells the story of another veteran and his wife, who opened a bakery (Veterano Brownie) in Kyiv. The couple later also broke up. They sold furniture to buy drones for the front. After the divorce, the husband returned to the front, and the woman worked as a military photographer.
"I wrote this trying to realize the sorrow for the life we could have had, a life without russian violence and terror," wrote Zhenya Oliynyk on Twitter.
The graphic novel was first published by the Czech magazine Strapazin, for which Zhenya created the comic.
For reference:
The book "Treasures of Ukraine: the cultural heritage of the people" was included in the rating of the best art publications of 2022, according to The New York Times.
In addition, the social comic magazine Inker published the first printed sketch for the anniversary of the russian invasion.
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