The Ministry of Defense of the republic of belarus reported this on Facebook.
"Today, on the instructions of the head of state, an inspection of the combat readiness of the armed forces of the republic of belarus has begun. The measures are comprehensive and will determine the ability of commanders to lead subordinate military units and units while bringing them to higher levels of combat readiness, as well as the readiness of military units to perform assigned tasks within the established deadlines ", the message says.
It is noted that the general management of the inspection is entrusted to the State Secretariat of the Security Council of the republic of belarus.
Military equipment will be moved across belarus, and temporary traffic restrictions for civilian transport on public roads and areas of the terrain are possible.
For reference:
As reported, russian president vladimir putin announced that russia would deploy tactical nuclear weapons in belarus. The self-proclaimed president of belarus, alexander lukashenko, said that the placement of nuclear weapons in belarus was done on his initiative.
In February 2023, putin announced the "suspension" of moscow's participation in the Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty with the United States (new START). However, the provisions of this document do not provide for the possibility of its "suspension."
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