Community in Rivne region raises ₴100,000 UAH for Ukrainian army by waste recycling

Volunteers in the city of Dubno, in the northwestern Rivne region, earned more than 100,000 hryvnias for the needs of Ukraine's armed forces by collecting waste paper, plastic, and glass.

What is the problem?

The Rivne Regional Military Administration reported on Facebook that it all started with the need to replenish the volunteer fund of the NGO "Volunteers on Kontorska," which helps Ukrainian defenders. The organization constantly receives requests from the military to purchase gear or equipment, so the volunteers always need to find resources.

What is the solution?

One of the volunteers suggested raising money by collecting recyclables. Glass, paper, and plastic can be recycled, and paid cash for them, so the organization announced the collection in the community.

How does it work?

Volunteers began accepting plastic, glass, and aluminum cans, used cling film, and cardboard that the locals brought to the collection point. All the collected waste is recycled by an entrepreneur from Kostopol, with whom the activists cooperate.

The environmental initiative by "Volunteers on Kontorska" is supported by the residents of the city of Dubno and the surrounding villages. They also regularly bring in recyclables.

"These 100,000 hryvnias are the cost of the drone. And if there had been no such initiative, this money would have remained in the landfill. Instead, we managed to turn the recycled material into donations," the report says.

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