18:15 02 Apr 2023

Ukraine starts producing new fragmentation ammunition for drones

The Ukrainian defense plant, which is part of the national Ukroboronprom concern, has started manufacturing new loitering munition for the Armed Forces.

This includes producing new fragmentation munition for drones, the plant reports on Facebook.

This is a demonstration of the drone ammunition:

  • OBP-23.1 weighing 1 kg – the affected area reaches 11 meters,
  • ОBP-23.05 weighing 0,5 kg — the affected area reaches 4,5 meters.

Завод Укроборонпрому почав виготовляти нові снаряди для безпілотників

Ukroboronprom is a State Weapon Concern. It consists of enterprises operating in the field of military and special equipment and ammunition. The concern takes part in military-technical cooperation with other states.

A while ago, the concern signed an agreement with the NATO defense industry to repair Western weapons and vehicles transferred to Ukraine.

Ukroboronprom launched serial production of 122-mm and 155-mm artillery shells abroad.
The concern and the Czech company VOP CZ agreed on cooperation in the production, repair, and joint development of armored vehicles.


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