russian troops trapped on Kinburn Spit – spokesperson of Ukraine’s armed forces

The Ukrainian military is keeping the russian aggressors in a trap on the Kinburn Spit of the Mykolaiv region, constantly working to create "shell hunger" among the invaders. The Kinburn Spit is the last part of the Mykolaiv region, occupied by the russian army.

Nataliia Humeniuk, head of the Joint Coordination Press Center of the Operational Command "South," told about this on the telethon air.

The spokeswoman noted that Ukrainian defenders are trying to take control, in particular, of the ways by which the invaders on the Kinburn spit receive supplies.

As Humenyuk reported, Ukrainian fighters are methodically and effectively taking control of not only parts of the territory of the Kinburn Spit but also its connection with the mainland of the Kherson region as shells are coming from that region to the invaders on the peninsula.

The result of the successes of the Ukrainian defenders is the "shell hunger" of the aggressors on the Kinburn Spit and a decrease in the number of shelling from its territory on the controlled areas of Ukraine.

"Our productive work on the Kinburn Spit has good results. In particular, during the past day, there was not a single shelling, even in the water area of the Dnipro estuary. This indicates that the enemy has a significant "shell hunger" in that area.

It is difficult for them to pull up reserves there, even because we are trying to take control of parts of the peninsula and communication with the mainland of the routes the enemy uses to bring up ammunition and weapons," said the head of the United Coordination Press Center.

The speaker emphasized that the local population has already left a large part of the peninsula. However, invaders still use civilians as human shields closer to the mainland.

It should be noted that the Ukrainian army recently destroyed an enemy anti-aircraft depot on the Kinburn Spit and two reconnaissance drones. Explosions regularly occur on the spit.

For reference:

The Kinburn Spit remains the only part of the Mykolaiv region under russian control.

The liberation of the Kinburn Spit could lay a foundation for the resumption of Ukrainian grain exports via the Black Sea. It will be a decisive step in liberating all of Kherson, the Crimean Peninsula, and, eventually, all of Ukraine.

Read alsoGlobal food security hinges on a tiny piece of land occupied by russia

russia shells Mykolaiv region to prevent its participation in 'grain deal' – Humeniuk


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