Photo: Mykoliav Development Agency
The Mykolaiv Development Agency reports this on Facebook.
What is the problem?
Dozens of cars and public transport were destroyed in the city due to enemy shelling, which russians carried out in Mykolaiv before the de-occupation of the Kherson region. Many of the residents switched to bicycles. But Mykolaiv does not have a bicycle infrastructure.
What is the solution?
"Mikael came to Mykolaiv with an offer to help with the development of the concept of bicycle infrastructure – to make the city friendly for cyclists, where bicycle traffic can develop according to the European example," the report says.
Photo: Mykolaiv Development Agency
How does it work?
It was noted that the urban planner and his team have been working on the concept for two months. In the future, he is expected to communicate with the Danish government on the issue of supporting the implementation of this project.
Photo: Mykolaiv Development Agency
It should be noted that previously Colville-Andersen helped obtain bicycles for Mykolaiv volunteer headquarters as part of the #BikeForUkraine initiative.
As the Mykolaiv Development Agency notes, Mikael Colville-Andersen blogs on YouTube (The Life-Sized City )and is the author of the program "Life in a big city" on the Travel+Adventure channel.
It should be noted that on November 29, 300 out of 470 bicycles were delivered to Kyiv, which were collected among the citizens of the European Union by representatives of the European Commission within the framework of the #BikesForUkraine international campaign.
They were given to volunteers who deliver humanitarian aid and personnel of critical services in cities and communities of Ukraine that suffered from russian military aggression.
Read more about Mikael Colville-Andersen's initiatives to support Ukraine – via the link.
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