Solutions to win: Askold Center launches online modern military training course in Ukraine

A course on contemporary military training for everyone interested has been launched in Ukraine with the support of the ASKOLD Center.

This was announced on the Facebook page of ASKOLD.

What is the problem?

"The large-scale war with the russian occupiers continues, so the kind of knowledge (military training – ed.) is needed by as many people as possible in Ukraine," the report said.

What is the solution?

Volunteers developed this course, and the teaching experts are professional military personnel who have been in combat since 2014 and are still serving.

A team of volunteers collaborated with military specialists, medics, and psychologists to develop course training materials.

How does it work?

The course program covers general training, living conditions at the front, types of weapons, tactical training, aerial reconnaissance, and tactical medicine.

The course is designed to complement and facilitate the study of the information volume, which requires much time to master.

The course provides information on the characteristics of various types of weapons, terrain orientation, work with radio communication and tactical medical assistance, as well as survival in field conditions.

"Our Center supported the project because we have common goals and tasks – to train better and train our people. An online course can give you knowledge, training centers – skills, all together – the opportunity to successfully perform combat tasks, destroy the enemy and save lives," – the message reads.

Registration for the course  – via the following link.

For reference:

It should be noted that since the beginning of the russian full-scale aggression last year, more than 7,000 Ukrainian servicemen were trained in the USA.

As Rubryka wrote, 65 Ukrainian soldiers have returned from military training .

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