Фото: Віталій Коваль / Telegram
The first $1000 was raised by handing over the russian-language books to waste recycling centers, head of the Rivne military regional administration, Vitalii Koval, reports.
The charitable foundation "Volunteers from the Kontorska street" from the city of Dubno started this initiative in the summer of 2022.
They began to recycle other garbage: plastic, glass, aluminum cans from drinks, used cling film, and cardboard. Materials for recycling are also brought by residents of surrounding villages.
The residents of the Hirniki and Semiduba villages promise to hand over the garbage that will be collected during the cleaning of their settlements for further processing.
Inna Yatsina, the head of the charitable foundation, said that during the 8 months of the initiative, people began to have a different attitude towards this way of helping the military.
"I'm glad there are more people who support the initiative. That's why we continue to work," Yatsina summed up.
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