Zelensky wrote this on Twitter.
"In an hour-long conversation with Emmanuel Macron, the Ukrainian-French defense cooperation was discussed. I briefed in detail on the situation at the front," the Ukrainian President wrote.
The President reported that two leaders also dwelled on further steps to implement the "peace formula." In addition, they talked about coordinating actions in the context of upcoming international events.
It should be noted that at the beginning of this month, French President Emmanuel Macron and the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, will visit Beijing for negotiations regarding russia's war against Ukraine.
Macron intends to warn Beijing against supporting russia's actions in Ukraine during his visit to China.
For reference:
It should be noted that on March 31, the Bucha Summit was held in Kyiv. President Volodymyr Zelensky said almost 50 foreign countries and organizations joined him at the summit.
As reported, events were held in Bucha on March 31 on the anniversary of the city's liberation from the russian invaders.
The events were attended by:
After that, the participants of the Bucha Summit signed a declaration regarding russia's responsibility for the crimes committed in Ukraine.
Read also – The world "woke up" after seeing russia's atrocities in Bucha – Zelensky.
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