On April 1, russia assumed its presidency at the UNSC, President's evening address says.
"Unfortunately, we also have some news that is obviously absurd and destructive. Today, the terrorist state began to chair the UN Security Council.
Yesterday, the russian army killed another Ukrainian child – a five-month-old boy. His name was Danylo… And at the same time, russia is presiding over the UN Security Council." the President said.
"A reform that is obviously overdue so that the terrorist state, and any other state that wants to be a terrorist, cannot destroy the world.
Terrorists must lose. They must be held accountable for terror, not preside anywhere." the President added.
russia took over the rotating presidency of the UN Security Council on 1 April for one month.
Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba has urged members of the UN Security Council (UNSC) to prevent russia from abusing its UNSC presidency. The state insists on the need to expel russia from the UN Security Council and the UN itself.
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