The Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki wrote this on Twitter.
"The Ukrainian army will purchase 100 Rosomaks from us, which are produced in Siemianowice Śląskie. Rosomaks are top-of-the-line combat transporters. This purchase will be paid for with EU and US money," Morawiecki wrote.
For reference:
Rosomak armored personnel carriers are the so-called 'flagship' of the Polish Armed Forces.
The wheeled armored personnel carrier is produced in many modifications. It is consistently modified in Poland on the basis of the licensed basic version of the AMV XC-360P vehicle, developed by the Finnish company Patria.
Rosomak is in service with the Armed Forces of Poland. The basic version is armed with a 30 mm cannon in a Hitfist turret.
It should be noted that Poland plans to increase ammunition production before Ukraine's armed forces counteroffensive.
Moreover, the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, announced the transfer of four MiG-29 aircraft to Ukraine. The Polish Prime Minister said that delivery of MiG–29 fighters to Ukraine could take place within 4–6 weeks. As Rubryka reported, Slovakia and Poland agreed to transfer MIG-29 combat aircraft to Ukraine jointly. Bratislava is ready to hand over 11 fighter jets.
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