The Netherlands send 11 sapper dogs to Ukraine

Howard Buffett's Charitable Foundation sent 11 service dogs to the Canine Center of the Kyiv Region Police.

They will help with the search of explosives and other operations, the police department reports. 

Law enforcement officers of the Kyiv region have received nine Belgian Malinois and two German Shepherds to the Dog Training Centre.

"All of them passed the selection and initial training course at the police Dogs Centre Dog Training Centre in the Netherlands with the specialisation of searching for explosives and weapons," the statement says.

Photo: Main Department of the National Police in the Kyiv region

The head of the police of the Kyiv region, Andrii Nebytov, emphasized that since last year, law enforcement officers have been closely cooperating with the leading canine centers in Europe.

Photo: Main Department of the National Police in the Kyiv region

After additional training, dogs will be involved in special operations in the Kyiv region, as well as in the frontline territories, to help with mine clearance.

Фото: Поліція Київської області
Фото: Поліція Київської області

The dogs will assist with the detection of illegal movement and storage of explosives, weapons, and ammunition.

Photo: Main Department of the National Police in the Kyiv region

Recently, Rubryka shared the story of the service dogs rescue, which were evacuated from the Luhansk region by guards-canine experts from the temporarily occupied Rubizhne.

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