Photo: Leopard 2 (GettyImages)
This amount reaches 160 units, Boris Pistorius, German defense minister, says to Die Welt.
It is unlikely to send more vehicles to the Ukrainians, as "the allies' resources are limited."
The minister also added Germany "cannot give everything because there are reserves that cannot be spent."
"I don't have a scenario on when it will be possible to send additional Leopards to Ukraine beyond what has been announced," Pistorius said.
The minister said Poland, together with its allies, will send two Leopard 2 battalions to Ukraine, with a total of 60 tanks.
By the end of the year, 100 Leopard 1 tanks, assembled in four battalions, will be transferred as well. Pistorius added the United States and Britain are also supplying tanks.
"Unfortunately, NATO members don't have any tanks waiting to be shipped. Despite this, I believe that soon it will be possible to cover Ukraine's needs," Pistorius concluded.
Germany has already transferred the promised 18 Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine as part of a coalition of partners.
Poland is the first of Ukraine's allies to transfer modern Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine. Portugal sent fighting vehicles to Ukrainian forces as well.
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