The Deputy Minister for Communities, Territories, and Infrastructure, Serhiy Derkach, announced this in a Rise Ukraine podcast on reconstruction.
What is the problem?
With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia, flights of civil aircraft over the airspace of Ukraine were suspended. The opening of the airspace will take place after the security situation allows it.
What is the solution?
"We are currently working on the development of aviation infrastructure. We already understand which airports will be able to start up, in what time frame, and what is required for this. We will also talk with companies who will be able to work in Ukraine after the war ends," Derkach said.
How does it work?
Derkach emphasized that after the end of martial law and the opening of the airspace, Lviv International Airport will be one of the first to resume its work quickly.
"Lviv airport will definitely be among the first to open. I had a meeting with the manager of the airport. We discussed the current state of the airport and what is needed to restore its operation. It is in perfect working order," added Derkach.
Lviv Danylo Halytskyi International Airport will receive 686.7 million hryvnias in 2023 to carry out important construction and reconstruction works to its airfield, energy infrastructure, and other facilities to ensure efficient and reliable operation of the airport.
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