"Maybe no outlet better exemplifies the potential application of solutions journalism more than Ukraine's Rubryka. For months, it has steadily reported on how Ukrainians are coping with and surviving the war with russia. It's work that runs counter to the journalistic impulse to seek out the tragedy, but seeing it in action reveals just how powerful covering even the small triumphs can be. It's hard to single out a specific Rubryka story, but this one about a group providing nutritious food to hundreds of people fleeing the war is deeply fulfilling," the Solutions Journalism Network noted.
The article mentioned by the Solutions Journalism Network is Rubryka's article "Ukrainian vegan cuisine: how volunteers in Uzhhorod organize healthy food for displaced people."
The leading American organization Solutions Journalism Network recognized the sustainability and commitment to journalism values of the team of Rubryka.
Rubryka is the first Ukrainian online media outlet that develops solutions journalism. In this approach, the editors focus not so much on the problem but on possible solutions and talk about the problem, providing examples of specific people, public organizations and initiatives, and communities. Get the full story on how this approach is being applied in times of the war, by clicking the link.
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