Ukraine’s FM urges UK to deny visas to russian, belarusian tennis players at Wimbledon

Dmytro Kuleba, Ukraine's foreign minister, called on the UK government to deny visas to russian and belarusian tennis players to compete in the Wimbledon Championship.

Wimbledon's decision to permit the participation of russian and belarusian players is "immoral", the minister says on Twitter.

"Wimbledon's decision to permit the participation of russian and belarusian players is immoral. Has russia ceased its aggression or atrocities? No, it's just that Wimbledon decided to accommodate two accomplices in crime. I call on the UK government to deny visas to their players" Kuleba said.

On March 31, the hosts of the Wimbledon Championship, one of the main tennis tournaments in the world, announced the cancellation of the ban for russian and belarusian tennis players to compete.

They were allowed to participate, declaring their neutrality. russian and belarusian tennis players must refrain from being financed by their countries and promise to adhere to the zero-tolerance approach towards displaying any flags or symbols supporting their states.

"We continue to condemn russia's illegal invasion in full, and our sincere support remains with the people of Ukraine. This decision was extremely difficult, and was not taken lightly or without special consideration for those who will be affected," the head of the organization, Ian Hewitt, said.

Photo: russia's Andrei Rublyov can participate in this year's Wimbledon (Getty Images)

On March 29, The International Olympic Committee opened the door to russian athletes returning to competition – but not yet to the 2024 Olympic Games.

IOC President, Thomas Bach, postponed a decision on russian and belarusian athletes participating in Paris. But recommended federations let them participate in lesser events under strict conditions.

He said the recommendations for events organizers and sports federations to follow included that russian and belarusian athletes can only compete as neutrals, with no flag or anthem.

They cannot take part in team events and must have a proven drug testing record, while athletes who support the war or are contracted to their countries' military or national security agency are excluded.

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