Ukraine pushes for russia to speed up return of abducted orphans

Ukraine is ready to pick up orphans abducted by russia at russia's border with any European Union country, says Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories, Iryna Vereshchuk. 

Rubryka reports, referring to the Ministry of Reintegration on Telegram.

"As a government representative, I officially express my readiness to take all our orphans. I propose the following mechanism. Through the mediation of international organizations — the UN, the ICRC, and others — we are ready to come to any European country to the border with russia, for example, Narva, Estonia. And there we will take all Ukrainian orphans, who are now being held illegally by russia," Vereshchuk said.

According to her, now the return process takes place point by point. It is very complex and long-lasting. Sometimes the search, all the necessary procedures, and the road take many months. This way, Ukraine returned 327 children from russia. And if the kids have parents, then they do this. And for orphans and children deprived of parental care, the state is the parent.

The deputy prime minister previously expressed confidence that the russians would be tried for the abduction of Ukrainian children to their territory, as the Nazis were tried in Nuremberg after the Second World War.


As reported, on March 17, the Pretrial Chamber of the II International Criminal Court issued warrants for the arrest of russian president putin and russian children's ombudsman maria lvova-belova. They are suspected of war crimes — illegal deportation and relocation of the population, including children, from the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine. All member states of the International Criminal Court are now legally bound to detain and bring putin to trial.

On March 23, Ukraine and International Criminal Court (ICC) signed an agreement to open the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in Ukraine.

As noted by the French lawyer Emmanuel Doud, who filed a lawsuit with the ICC regarding the illegal deportation of children from Ukraine, all the evidence about the deportation of Ukrainian children to russia was collected by a team of lawyers from open sources and submitted in a lawsuit to the International Criminal Court.

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