Фото: Волонтерський штаб "Українська команда"
The volunteer headquarters "Ukrainian team" sent the first batch of kamikaze drones to soldiers.
They were purchased with donations of thousands of Ukrainians, the team reports on Facebook.
What's the problem?
Drones are a necessary tool for military operations during russia's war. They are the "eyes" of Ukrainian soldiers but the enemy discovers them and shoots them down. Kamikaze drones are generally effective, but unfortunately expendable. The Armed Forces need a lot of them.
Some drones are indispensable for urban combat and short-range reconnaissance. Other large drones are needed for long-distance flights and for attacking enemy warehouses with BC and equipment.
What's the solution?
Volunteer headquarters collects funds for drones for the Armed Forces.
"The first batch of kamikaze drones you raised money for has already gone to the front line, along with a kilogram of explosives and your 'explosive messages' to the russians.
Our volunteers visited the production of drones and attached to each of them a note with wishes, which were chosen among other patriotic wishes of the participants of our gathering," the statement says.
How does it work?
The wishes to the russian invaders included:
There is a named drone, for which a donator Valeriia paid $875. It has the inscription: "From grandfather and 5 grandchildren."
"Our "Explosive Message" fundraisal continues. You have already donated one million hryvnias out of the required 3.5 million. There are still 2.4 million hryvnias left! Donate! Write your explosive messages to the enemy in the comments.
We will send them with our "evil birds"! Your messages will be the last words of the lives of the occupiers," the headquarters emphasized.
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