Ukraine creates a map of camps where russians take abducted Ukrainian children

Since the beginning of russia's full-scale aggression, the russian soldiers have been abducting Ukrainian children and taking them to russia and the territories temporarily occupied and controlled by them. Ukraine created a map that tracks camps to which children are taken.

Rubryka reports, referring to the National Resistance Center.

"The enemy is carrying out a policy of genocide in the temporarily occupied territories and is destroying the self-identification of an entire generation. We have compiled a map of the camps where the enemy resettles deported Ukrainian children," the National Resistance Center said.

According to the press service, the map is currently created based on data from open sources and will be supplemented. As can be seen from the geography of the camps, the deportation of children to russia is systematic and prepared in advance.

Photo: Map of camps

Even though russian propaganda claims that abduction is the forced step and evacuation of children, in reality, children are constantly being taken, both from the front-line areas and areas far from the hostilities.

Camps include:

  • orphans, some of whom became orphans as a result of the murder of their parents by the russians;
  • children from boarding schools and orphanages who have relatives in Ukraine, but they are still forcibly deported;
  • children of parents who did not pass the screening or filtration by russian forces and ended up in russian torture camps.

In the camps, according to a pre-prepared program, children are taught russian history, a distorted interpretation of the war in Ukraine, and the children there are also taught the russian national anthem. That is, children are ideologically programmed.

A total of 45 children's camps and 12 military camps are drawn on the map.

Sometimes children are taken to military training centers for "re-education." In particular, this is how teenagers from the Donetsk and Luhansk regions were brought to Chechnya. Such programs aim to create particularly violent and regime-loyal teenagers who can later be used against their homeland.

Earlier, it was reported that the russians in the occupied Tokmak in the southeastern Zaporizhzhia region threatened to take the children to russia in case of refusal of "passportization."

National Resistance Center reported that the russians forcefully deported people from the occupied territories for propaganda.

According to UN investigators, over 16,000 children are thought to have been transferred to russia or russia-controlled areas. russia's forced deportation of Ukrainian children to areas under its control amounts to a war crime. Estimates of the number of children involved range from 16,000 to over 300,000.

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