Ukrainian volunteers train displaced in a new career as a barista

The Kyiv Volunteer Charity Foundation, in partnership with the coworking and cafe venue, Octo Tower, is launching an intensive educational course for internally displaced persons to master the barista profession, Rubryka reports.

What is the problem?

About 13 million Ukrainians have fled their homes because of russia's war since February 24, 2022. Over five million remained in Ukraine and were forced to live in the new status of "internally displaced persons." For the most part, these people have to start all over again: looking for housing, doctors, schools, kindergartens for their children, and most importantly, a source of income.

What is the solution?

In April, the Kyiv Volunteer Charity Foundation will initiate a free barista training course for those forced to change their place of permanent residence.

"We are introducing this intensive course to improve people's adaptation to the environment they find themselves in. In our opinion, practical skills for mastering a new profession will enable IDPs to get wider opportunities for employment in the new realities of life," said master class project manager Olha Salo.

How does it work?

The displaced who want to become specialists in coffee making will have the opportunity to listen to lectures on the coffee business, service, and software with which many establishments work, as well as to undergo a three-day practical intensive at the Octo Tower complex and prepare coffee drinks. Participants will also be able to visit the Yellow Place coffee shop and get acquainted with all the coffee roasting and production processes.

Upon completing the intensive, participants will receive a certificate and employment assistance. To enter the training, the IDP should fill out the form here. After the selection of applications, fund managers will conduct interviews with candidates. Based on the results, it will invite 15 participants to partake in the intensive.

All details about the initiative will be highlighted on the Kyiv Volunteer Instagram page. If coffee shop owners want to invite intensive participants to their team, they can fill out the form here.


At the end of January, the Kyiv Volunteer Charity Foundation initiated the first such free master class as part of cooperation with the international Renaissance Foundation. Then the participants went through lectures on entrepreneurial activity and attended a practical bread-baking course by Yevhen Azarov, baker chef of Leilia bakery.

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