Hryshko National Botanical Garden in Kyiv holds tea festival for charity – photos

On March 25 and 26, a charity tea festival was held in Kyiv's Hryshko National Botanical Garden.

Rubryka's correspondents visited the event.

The Tea Circle invited guests to explore the wonders of tea ceremonies in a unique setting: the beautiful glass dome of the exposition greenhouse. Meanwhile, Nerechizm, a youth organization, hosted a charity fair as part of the festivities. Guests could take a guided greenhouse tour and enjoy the many attractions available.

The festival's purpose is to collect funds to repair the ventilation system for stock greenhouses, which is necessary for warming the premises.

Due to the age and imperfection of the greenhouse construction, it is challenging to heat it, and this winter alone, heating costs 48 thousand hryvnias per day. Due to the cold, the losses were colossal – according to preliminary estimates, it is already half a million hryvnias.

The amount that needs to be collected for repairs is 500,000 hryvnias.

With the installation of a new ventilation system, heating costs will be reduced, preserving the collection and protecting it from disappearing forever. Nearly one-fifth of the necessary funds have been collected in just two days of the festival, with all proceeds going to the Peli can live charity fund, which helped botany survive this winter.

According to Roman Ivannikov, head of the department of tropical and subtropical plants, similar events are planned to be held in the future. The nearest one is the festival of cactus growers, which should take place at the end of April.

The workers of the botanical garden believe that making the greenhouse cover operating costs and even more — bringing in profit — is possible, and holding public events in it is one of the possible solutions.

Photo: Mykola Tymchenko, Rubryka

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