Photo: Facebook/Maryna Khonda
Rubryka reports, referring to the Kyiv City State Administration, that the service is being developed by the Department of Information and Communication Technologies in cooperation with the departments of education and science, social policy, culture, health care, youth, and sports, as well as the Kyiv City Center for Assistance to antiterrorist operation participants.
As reported, such an electronic cabinet will work according to the "single window" principle. This means that users can interact with city institutions without additional limitations. So far, more than 160 services have already been digitized.
"The work on the service is ongoing. I hope it will work in the test mode shortly," said the deputy head of the Kyiv City State Administration, Maryna Khonda.
We will remind them that Ukraine wants to digitize the military medical commission. Fighters need to collect paper documents from various institutions to confirm injuries and receive an expert opinion from the commission. This will facilitate access to treatment for wounded soldiers.
The Ministry of Statistics wants to introduce electronic document flow between military institutions and the possibility of rehabilitation near the place of residence.
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