China’s actions undermine its neutrality on war in Ukraine – British PM

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak believes that China's recent actions in connection with russia's full-scale war against Ukraine have undermined its status as a neutral party, and London is calling on Beijing to take constructive steps in this direction.

According to the "European Pravda," Sunak reported this on Tuesday at a hearing in the British House of Commons procedural committee.

The British Prime Minister reminded that London and other Western capitals welcome China's support of Ukraine's territorial integrity within various statements and formats and believe that Beijing's actions undermine credibility to it as a neutral party.

"We urge Xi Jinping to talk directly with President Zelensky about any specific peace proposal that China is interested in offering… It would be right for China to interact directly with Ukraine on this issue," Sunak said.

Commenting on the recent visit of the Chinese leader to moscow, the British Prime Minister stated that russia depends on China, so he calls on Xi Jinping to use his influence with vladimir putin "to convince him to stop this war and withdraw troops from Ukraine as a precondition for any negotiations."

"There were various points in China's peace proposal; their support for the territorial integrity of Ukraine deserves approval. But, as I said, their other actions and other statements undermined the trust in them as a neutral party in this matter," he added.

For reference:

The President of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping, arrived in russia on March 20. China's leader held a meeting with russian dictator purin on March 21.

Nato secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg informed about "signs" that russian president vladimir putin has requested lethal weapons from China.He warned China against providing lethal aid to russia, which, according to the secretary-general, would mean "supporting an illegal war."

According to Stoltenberg, Chinese leader Xi Jinping's visit to russia and his meeting with vladimir putin indicate the rapprochement between Beijing and moscow that has been taking place in recent years.

Read alsoXi Jinping visiting moscow and nuclear weapons placed in Belarus: key trends in Ukraine's wartime reality

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